Biodiesel is a fuel safe, renewable, non-toxic, biodegradable and much less contaminant for the environment than conventional diesel fuel. Moreover, it represents a strategic source of energy especially for the countries that have not oilfields. For these reasons, even if the cost of biodiesel is still greater than diesel from petroleum, many governments sustain this production.
Biodiesel is a mixture of fatty acids methyl esters (FAME), normally, obtained in industry by transesterification of vegetable oils with methanol in the presence of alkaline catalysts (NaOH, KOH or related alkoxides). Vegetable oils are composed of tri-glycerides of fatty acids (a mixture of linear fatty acids, with an average number of 18 carbon atoms, and containing in the chain mainly one, but also two or three or none double bonds). The reaction occurs in three successive steps forming progressively di-glycerides, mono-glycerides and glycerol. Glycerol is an important by-product of this process obtained with a yield of about 10% b.w. The only advantage of this most practiced process consists in the mild conditions of temperature (about 60°C) and pressure (atmospheric), while, many drawbacks are present, as: (i) the process requires the use of highly refined oils, i.e., not containing free fatty acids and moisture. This, because, fatty acids react with the
catalyst forming soaps that are poorly active in the reaction and form emulsions that strongly prolong the separation time, by settling glycerol from methyl esters. Moisture favors the formation of fatty acids by hydrolysis. Other drawbacks are: the cost of biodiesel is determined for about 85 % by the cost of the feedstock; (ii) the catalyst must be neutralized after the reaction, therefore, cannot be re-used and the salt formed during the neutralization contaminates the glycerol increasing the costs of its purification; (iii) an excess of glycerol is offered in a market that is already saturated. By concluding, to reduce the costs of biodiesel production requires innovation efforts. In particular it is imperative:
Eurochem Engineering has worked hardly, in collaboration with NICL and with different industrial companies, on all the mentioned aspects with relevant results described in several published reviews [1,2], papers and patents devoted to biodiesel synthesis via esterification [3-10], via catalytic transesterification [11-22] and traditional process intensification [23-29].
Tesser, R.; Di Serio, M.; Guida, M.; Nastasi, M.; Santacesaria, E. “Kinetics of Oleic Acid Esterification with Methanol in the Presence of Triglycerides” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2005), 44(21), 7978-7982.
Santacesaria, E.; Tesser, R.; Di Serio, M.; Guida, M.; Gaetano, D.; Garcia Agreda, A. Kinetics and Mass Transfer of Free Fatty Acids Esterification with Methanol in a Tubular Packed Bed Reactor: A Key Pretreatment in Biodiesel Production. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2007), 46(15), 5113-5121. 
Santacesaria, E.; Tesser, R.; Di Serio, M.; Guida, M.; Gaetano, D.; Garcia Agreda, A.; Cammarota, F. Comparison of Different Reactor Configurations for the Reduction of Free Acidity in Raw Materials for Biodiesel Production. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2007), 46(25), 8355-8362. 
R. Tesser, L.Casale, D. Verde, M. Di Serio, E. Santacesaria “Kinetics of free fatty acids esterification: Batch and loop reactor modelling” Chemical Engineering Journal (2009), 154(1-3), 25-33 
R. Tesser, M. Di Serio, L. Casale, G. Carotenuto and E. Santacesaria; Absorption of Water/Methanol Binary System on Ion-Exchange Resins; The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2010, 88 (6), pp 1044-1053 
Riccardo T., Di Serio M., Casale L., Sannino L., Ledda M., Santacesaria E.; Acid exchange resins deactivation in the esterification of free fatty acids; Chemical Engineering Journal 161 (2010) 212–222 
Tesser R., Casale L., Verde D., Di Serio M. and Santacesaria E. Kinetics and modeling of fatty acids esterification on acid exchange resins. Chemical Engineering Journal (2010), 157(2-3), 539-550
R. Vitiello, A. Buonerba, R. Tesser, M. Di Serio, A. Grassi, E. Santacesaria; Use of Waste Materials for Biodiesel Production; DGMK Conference Proceedings October 8-10, 2012, Berlin, Germany
Di Serio, M.; Tesser, R.; Dimiccoli, M.; Cammarota, F.; Nastasi, M.; Santacesaria, “Synthesis of biodiesel via homogeneous Lewis acid catalyst “Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical (2005), 239(1-2), 111-115. 
Di Serio, M.; Ledda, M.; Cozzolino, M.; Minutillo, G.; Tesser, R.; Santacesaria E. “Transesterification of Soybean Oil to Biodiesel by Using Heterogeneous Basic Catalysts.” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2006), 45(9), 3009-3014. 
M. Cozzolino, R. Tesser, M. Di Serio, M. Ledda, G. Minutillo, E. Santacesaria. “Preparation, characterization and catalytic performances of highly dispersed supported TiO2/SiO2 catalysts in biodiesel production.” Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis (2006), 162 (Scientific Bases for Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts), 299-306.
Di Serio, M.; Cozzolino, M.; Giordano, M.; Tesser, R.; Patrono, P.; Santacesaria, E.. From Homogeneous to Heterogeneous
Catalysts in Biodiesel Production. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2007), 46(20), 6379-6384 
Santacesaria, E.; Di Serio, M.; Tesser, R.; Casale, L. New technologies in biodiesel production. DGMK Tagungsbericht (2008), 2008-3(Preprints of the DGMK-Conference "Future Feedstocks for Fuels and Chemicals", 2008), 7-18.
Di Serio M., Tesser R., Casale L., A. D’Angelo, M. Trifuoggi and E. Santacesaria; Heterogeneous Catalysis in Biodiesel Production: The Influence of Leaching. Topics in Catalysis (2010), 53 (11-12), 811-819 
M. Di Serio, S. Mallardo, G. Carotenuto, R. Tesser, E. Santacesaria; Mg/Al hydrotalcite catalyst for biodiesel production in continuous packed bed reactors; Catalysis Today: 195(2012) (1)54-58 
Santacesaria, E.; Di Serio, M.; Tesser, R.. New technologies in biodiesel production. Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy) (2009),
91(5), 126-129 
Siano, Dante; Di Serio, Martino; Tesser, Riccardo; Dimiccoli, Marinella; Cammarota, Francesco; Santacesaria, Elio; Siano, Luigi; Nastasi, Mario. “Process for the production of esters from vegetable oils or animal fats.” (in collaboration with Aser S.r.l., Italy) PCT Int. Appl. (2006) WO 2006006033 A1 20060119 Inserire pdf
Siano, Dante; Nastasi, Mario; Santacesaria, Elio; Di Serio, Martino; Tesser, Riccardo; Guida, Maurizio. “Method for forming a packing for resin catalytic packed beds, and so formed packing.” (in collaboration with Aser S.r.l., Italy) PCT Int. Appl. (2006), WO 2006046138 A1 20060504
Siano, Dante; Nastasi, Mario; Santacesaria, Elio; Di Serio, Martino; Tesser, Riccardo; Minutillo, Giuseppe; Ledda, Marianna; Tenore, Teresa; “Transesterification process for producing fatty acid esters from vegetable oils or animal fats using heterogeneous catalysts and aliphatic alcohols.”; (Aser S.r.l., Italy) PCT Int. Appl. (2006), WO 2006050925 A1 20060518
Siano, Dante; Siano, Luigi; Nastasi, Mario; Santacesaria, Elio; Di Serio, Martino; “Method for producing esters from vegetable oils and animal fats by using heterogeneous catalysts.” (Aser S.r.l., Italy). PCT Int. Appl. (2006), WO 2006094986 A1 20060914
Santacesaria, E.; Di Serio, M.; Tesser, R.; Casale, L.; Verde, D.; Turco, R.; Bertola, A. ; Use of a Corrugated Plates Heat Exchanger Reactor for Obtaining Biodiesel with Very High Productivity Energy & Fuels (2009), 23(10), 5206-5212. 
E. Santacesaria, M. Di Serio,R. Tesser, M. Tortorelli, R. Turco, V. Russo; A simple device to test biodiesel process intensification; Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification; 50(2011)1085-1094. 
E. Santacesaria, R. Turco, M. Tortorelli, V. Russo, M. Di Serio, R. Tesser; Biodiesel Process Intensification by Using Static Mixers Tubular Reactors; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51 (2012) 8777-8787. 
E. Santacesaria, M. Di Serio, R. Tesser, R. Turco, M. Tortorelli, V. Russo; Biodiesel Process Intensification in a very simple microchannel device; Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 52(2012)47-54. 
E. Santacesaria, R.
Turco, M. Tortorelli, V. Russo, M. Di Serio, R. Tesser; Biodiesel process intensification: the role of the liquid-liquid interface area in the achievement of a complete conversion in few seconds; Green Process Synthesis. 1(2012) 181-189. 
V Russo, R Tesser, M Di Serio, E Santacesaria; A New Kinetic Biphasic Approach to Biodiesel Process Intensification; DGMK Conference Proceedings October 8-10, 2012, Berlin, Germany.
Santacesaria, Elio; Di Serio, Martino; Tesser, Riccardo; Turco, Rosa; Verde Domenico; Casale, Luca; (MYTHEN SpA) “Reactor for Immiscible Liquid Reagents”. (MYTHEN SpA) PCT Int. Appl. (2010) WO 2010073216 (A1)